The nature is, very beautiful, very difficult to understand, valid forever, consistent forever. Every object, which has a life or not, follows the rhythm of the nature. A bud of flower, which blossoms at sun rise, decorates the environment with its smell as well as beauty and also kisses the ground at sun set. Just like a flower bud, an infant, who is born by his mother, becomes a youth and he delights the society with his might and latterly, he escapes his body on this earth according to the rhythm of the nature.
There are two most important matters that cause to create not only the most beautiful things but also the worst things. Those are instability of the mind and instability of the nature. In common words, instability of the mind is called as feelings (Ex: Love, mercy, envy, anger and so on) and instability of the nature is called as physical powers (Ex: Potential power, Momentum power, Electric power, Nuclear power and so on). Due to the unbound love of mother for her infant, her blood turns into milk. It’s a good example for increasing instability feeling of love. Due to increasing revenge, man could be a murderer. Because of the instability of the nature, we can see a waterfall falling down beautifully. Due to the instability of the nature, the heat of the Sun and its light spreads all over the universal.
Even though we are Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burger or English according to our race and are Baddish, Catholic, Muslim or Hindu according to our religion, all of us have to face the states of infantile, childhood, youth and old age. That is to say, we all have become a part of the nature despite our race or religion.
Another beautiful phenomenon in the nature is relativity. How being feels something is said to be relativity. As an example, a flower, which is beautiful for one could not be beautiful for another.
The relativity is only a nature of the mind. How one feels something is called as relativity. It is also divided into two major parts. Those are, how one observes the nature of an object and how one observes the location of an object.
The scientist, by whom the relativity concept is brought into the world, is Albert Einstein. Let’s try to understand this concept by using two examples which Albert Einstein illustrated.
One is that, while two trains are traveling at the same speed towards the same direction, the observer who is in one of these two trains can observe that one train is silent. He feels that two trains are not traveling.
The other example is that, a moment that you spent with your friend in coast. At that moment, you don’t feel, the time (mind time) is going fast. But when you observe your watch, you can get to know that you’ve spent so many hours. Here, you are fond of association of your friend and you don’t feel, the time is going fast. Jest imagine a moment, you have been to coast with a friend but you dislike. At that moment, you feel, the time is going fast. But your watch time may be a few minutes. Since you dislike associating him, you feel, the time is going fast.
Other example for, how one observes the nature of the object is that, he may like playing with his friends & observing butterflies and birds while in his childhood. But when he is grown up, he may feel extremely in different way, how he felt it in his childhood. Sometimes, he may feel in childish manner, what he did in his childhood. But, just like associating friends and going on trips with his friends may be the most interesting things in his youthful age. But as a matter of time, when he gets old, when he recalls the incidents that he did in his youthful age, he may feel, those are very childish things. Sometimes, he feels the things, he did in his childhood, are very sweet and he may always like to memories them.
There’s no doubt, that we all have seen dreams on our sleep. When we dream, we don’t have an idea about our real world. On our sleep, we think that dream world is only our world. When we see a nightmare, we normally try to escape those bad things. When we are asleep, we don’t know about time, weather and changes of the nature, of our real world.
As man, we can have limited senses, which we gain through five organs (eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin). But some animals can have wide range of senses. Even though the rage of sound that man can hear is only 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, it is found that dog can hear even lesser than 20 Hz to grater than 20,000 Hz. Mainly, bat uses the high wave sounds, generated by using its mouth and the reflection of that high wave sound due to obstacles (obstacles may be surround or its victims) so that it may catch its victims or find its direction. We can’t see all the color in our spectrum. We can only see the colors of visible range. But, snake just like viper; it gets to know about its victim due to the heat waves, that generates its victim’s body. So it’s sensitive for the rage of the heat waves. Even though man can have vibrations a little through his skin, Elephant uses the vibrations that they generate by hitting the ground, for communication with each other. By using that vibrations, they get some idea where the nearest heard is and which direction it is. It’s been discovered that animals are more sensitive for earthquake than man is.
To put it in to nut shell, the only thing, we can get hold of is that, the life, we spent in a relative frame, having limited senses, dividing into races and religions, being a part of the nature, is only similar for a journey in darkness.
We, who are living in this relative frame, can’t say that this is the most accuracy thing. If someone tries to get hold of the nature, it’s only a great wish. If someone has an idea to get realize this nature, it’s only part of this nature but not other.
For understanding the reality of the nature, the only one method, he should get assistance, is to analyze this nature but not other method is. But, after having understood what the reality of the nature is, it needs not to be held that method, used to get realized the nature. For as an example, suppose that there’s a man in a desert and he’s heard that there is a town, which is located nearby desert but he doesn’t know how to go there. While he is going here and there suddenly, he can see a ruined car. Then, he makes that car drive and also he finds a compass as well as a map. By using these things, he goes to that town. After reaching that town, he needs not to take all stuff supported him to come to the town.
Let’s imagine that one tries to get hold of this nature. Let’s start it in normal human condition. Normal human being is not a single unit. He has made so many bonds not only living objects like he himself, parent, sisters and brothers, family, relations, neighbors, persons in working place, but also non living objects like clothes, house, vehicles, properties, job position, wages and so on.
When he is born, he hasn’t made any other bonds with things. The only one expectation, he has, is to save his life. He doesn’t know where he is born and who his parent is. Because of his willing to save his life, he is looking for some affection from anyone and automatically, his mother gives him that protection and he loves his mother. After that he tries to search surround. The surround is a mystery for him. Then, step by step he tries to solve the puzzle of surround with the support of his mother as well as others. Here, what he realizes about the surround is what mother and others have understood as surround according to their relative frame but not what he realizes by himself. Now, in addition to saving his life, his mind desires to claim other objects. After being a youth, step by step, now he has a lot of bonds explained above.
He makes bonds like that since he is weak in nature and is selfish.
Let’s consider how one can get hold of this nature step by step. Here, the major thing, he should have to understand, is that he is living in a frame as described above. The second thing is that there are two types of feeling in his mind. Some feelings, called good feelings like, love, determination, patient and so on ,helps him to get away from the frame that he is living in and some feelings, called bad feelings, like anger, foolishness, laziness and so on, always tries to keep him in his frame.
If one expects to get away from the frame, he should increase his good feelings while decreasing his bad feelings. While he is doing like this, his bad feelings arise as a good friend. It automatically happens, since human being is a part of the nature and the nature always tries to keep him in his normal human frame. On the other hand, man has both bad feelings and good feelings. If someone is trying to increase his good feelings, it’s only exceeding of his normal equilibrium of the mind. Then nature tries to get him in his previous frame. If he is a wise man, he gets to know that he is in a dream or is just only looking at a movie and he feel like getting out this frame sooner.
Here, bad feelings, pretend to saw that it’s true what is not true , try to arise his desirous of past ,present and future and those feelings and try to get him back into the normal frame which normal human being is living in or try to make him crazy(this is also another frame). The wise person, who can understand well the nature of this bad feelings and the nature, increases his good feelings in spite of addicting his bad feelings.
Here, he can get hold of the reason to be addicted in this frame, that normal human beings are living in. He realizes that the reason to be addicted is liking and hating the feelings that come in to the mind. The other thing, he realizes, is that various feelings are generated, even though the object which we observe is same.
Those are that the mind generates three feelings for same object as good, comparison and bad.
There are four reasons in order to feeling like this. Let’s consider about some object. Then, those reasons are: more common of that object, relativity of that object, lack or not having of that object and changing the concept regarding of that object. As an example, let’s take some objects (object may be picture/sound/smell/touch/taste or may be memories in our mind). If we are taking more and more feelings from same object, matter of time, we can’t have same feeling as we had before. It’s gonna be reduced. Sometimes, we may have unpleasant feeling when we see that object, which we preferred before. More over when we have an object better than we had earlier, automatically the desire of that object is gonna be reduced. And if we can have less of that object, we like that object more and more. If we can get to know more details about that object than we had known earlier, we may like it more or less because of changing our concept regarding that object.
Now he is increasing his good feelings and he is wise enough not to catch bad feelings. Now, he can see his bad feelings separately. When he is going to reduce his bad feelings, his good feelings help him more and more. At the point of getting away the frame, which normally human being is living in, the bad feelings arise hard. Here, bad feelings act as an army with all type of weapons to defeat the good feelings. Sometimes, he feels, the bad feelings arise not only in his mind but also as a person who’s living in his society.
In this moment, lonely, he is trying to defeat these bad feelings while concentrating his mind. Here, even a little bad feelings also arise in hard manner. But finally, he gets realized those things are only a dream of his mind and a miracle. In spite of fighting those bad feelings, the only thing, he does is to look at those bad feelings in a steady manner. The last trap, caring out by bad feelings is increasing his dead fear. Then he is trying to protect his life. At that moment, he is having the original feeling of the death.
Hear, he understands a deep concept. It’s that he’s living in a dreamy world that doesn’t really exist and a relative frame .He realizes that he can have an illustration world because of five types of organs like eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin. What he feels is not true. In other hand, there is no person called as “I” and he can feel there are objects and outside due to the feelings, having on five organs.
As an example, let’s take a blind person. One, being a blind person, he can have some idea about objects by touching those objects. There are no pictures in his world only a world, understood by using hardness and smoothness. All of blind men believe that there’s a world with hardness and smoothness but not pictures. They feel theirs world in the same manner. If we close one eye, we can’t catch some objects accurately. That’s why; we can only see two dimensional frame (world) by using one eye. There are only length & wide. But we can see depth in addition to length & width by using two eyes. That’s to say, two eyes make three dimensional frame (world). In other words, we’re having feeling a world that only makes with five organs like eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin but it’s not a real world.
When we are blind, we can have only a world that generates with other organs. When we take group of blind persons, they are having feelings according to theirs frame. In other words, it’s a world. They don’t have an idea about flowers, animals, trees and so on. If a blind person says that flowers are beautiful, there’s no doubt that others consider him to be going crazy.
In other words, we can have a lot of worlds by loosing one or two or some organs. The major thing, that must be got to know, is that world that one gets feelings, generates due to the feelings gained by five organs but there’s no world. If there’s no these five organs, there’s no world.
While binding a miracle world, binding with each other with feelings, people fights with regard theirs country, race religion and physical things but what is not real. People live in a dreamy world. Due to being a servant of theirs own mind, they haven’t got hold of the truth and are collecting energy for making another frame (world).
Hear, finally he understands that he is living in a miracle and he is day dreaming. Then he exceeds the dead fear and also he gets to know that there’s no frame and past or future only present.
Finally, he gets away from the frame, which he used to live in and he feels numerous happiness.
He can see, people who haven’t understood this reality, are living in a daydream and are looking after a mirage.
A most important phenomena in the nature is that every object –living or not have a short of tendency to become stability from the mode of instability. As a result of this phenomenon, it creates another instability situation. So it leads to make infinite instability circles. Water cycle, re-berthing cycle is better example for this.
As we aware, an electron in an atom, having supplied energy it goes higher orbital. Why it goes a higher orbital while being remained on the same orbital? Answer is very simple. After supplying the energy it is not the earlier electron and now it has changed. In other word, it has absorbed energy. In this stage, the orbital it was, is not suitable for this electron. So it automatically tends to go a higher orbit in same energy. Some may tend to think, all the times that electron is in that orbit unless supplying energy. But it is wrong, while it is in the orbit, it is decaying. How it happens? An electron having a dual nature, it is just like Don –Juan. Some times it acts as a particle & next time a wave. When it changes it nature from particle to wave, an electron generates two or more waves-major one having a highest frequency and others are smaller. Next time it generates a partial-Electron it normally uses higher frequency wave. As a result new electron built up by higher frequency wave is almost all different the earlier and weight is less than previous one. Let see what happens other smaller frequency waves. The energy of those small waves are absorbed by the atom-its’ partials. Same thing is happening in the atomic particles. When atomic partials become waves they generate higher and smaller frequency waves and those smaller waves’ frequency energy are absorbed by electrons and they goes higher orbit.
Same manner all the beings are living in different frame having different times & having become a trap of this uncertainty. In other word, uncertainty can be defined as changing. Changing puts something into uncertainty. Every Objects-living or not are situated in an uncertainty frame. That means, beings or the environment being living on is changing on an uncertainty frame. As an example, Earth, man living, is changing according to some short of cycle & it moves through infinite air. So as the object- living or not is changing according to the cycle. It is just like a rod flow on waterfall (here flow means changing).
Changing is the origin of all energies. The reason to generate all the energy just like heat, light, electrical, so that is the “Changing-Matter”. Due to the changing of mind feeling it leads to create an energy called “Tracking Mind Energy”. In a Compromise mind this Energy is zero. In order to illustrate this energy, Gramophone disc is one of better example. This Gramophone disk is prepared by using wax & that disk has been tracked according to the song. If we want to here the song, we put that disk to play. Then the needle of the Gramophone runs through the track of the dick and it generates a sound.
The same thing happens in our mind, when the mind is in compromise stage there is no energy, but if having got bad feeling likes-hate, anger, hypocrites and so on or good feeling likes-generous, kind, humble so on, it leads to make tracking mind energy.
We have to face the effect of this tracking mind energy in our day to day life. This mind tracking energy is having high peak energy band and lowest. But when we die, the height peak of the wave comes into being and according to that our next birth is to be happened.
This Tracking Mind Energy is Energy flow connected our past, present, future.
As a house built up on a foundation, foundation of all worlds-Ghost, God, Brahma, Hell is changing. There is no world without changing. As we aware every object has built up particles and every particle are having no of atoms and every atom is having no of electrons. Every electron in an atom is having a movement. So everything is changing every time.
For example, we may see an A4 paper on our table. But every electron in atoms of A4 paper is changing and also atoms particles are changing. So every time A4 paper is changing. It is not the A4 paper we so just a second ago.
To put it into a nut shell, A4 paper is changing and forming another A4 paper and then changing and building another A4 paper. But seeing a narrowed mind, we always say it is A4 paper, it is not changing.
Due to the changing, energy of every object- living or not is transferring one into another as all the energy is constant.
Let us see how this changing supports human body. Due to the changing, blood goes through all over the body and breath takes place and every thing needed to sustain the life is happening. If there is no changing there is no world.
As long as living being is having a desire himself or other object, he generates “Tracking Mind Energy”. This Tracking Mind Energy is can’t be observed by our five sense-Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Body. This Tracking Mind Energy leads to make changing worlds-Pretha, God, Brahma, Hell and Human.
The common factor of every world is changing. Wherever we focus our eye, we can see nominated factors, changing. This time Earth is changing, this is not the earth previously we had. This time sky is changing; this is not the sky previously we had. Every water stream is changing; those are not previously we had. Every tree is changing; those are not previously we had. This time vehicles, houses are changing. They are not previously we had. This time body of every being is changing; those are not previously we had. Mind is
changing, it is not previously we had. So everything is changing every time. Every time we are having a new world.
Being, who don’t understand this smooth changing, they tend to believe, there is a person called “I” and that “I” is not changing & it is considered to be a constant. But when they become older, they feel, something has happened for this constant “I”.
Every thing is a trap of a changing cycle. It is worthless thinking a stable cycle. We all have become a trap of infinite cycles. So we can not have constant happiness with the support of those changing cycles.
In order to understand how past this changing occurs, let us take an example:Let us assume that there is a house in front of us, further more assume that there is a highly skilled mason be with us. How cleaver this mason is, he only takes a little time to re-built this house as previously. But we don't know about it. When we are with him in front of this house , let us assume that we close our eyes a second & when we open our eyes, we can see that house as previously.But while closing our eyes, that house has been broken and that house has been re-built by that cleaver mason as previously before we open eyes.But now we don't see the previous house. Since we don't know that clever mason has re-built that house, we tend to think that is previous house.
As above example , while opening our eyes,"changing the cleverest mason is distracting and re-building every object living or not where those origin. How fast this phenomena occurs, every being tends to believe there is a unchanging sole- "I".
The main energy causes to change the shape of physical object is heat. Heat is a major reason for originating, building, decaying and losing of objects-living or not.
We all have seen ground mothers and grand-fathers who is having born back bone, shrinking skin and gray haired and decayed tooth., illness. The we have got feeling , when we get old, we will become that situation. But we don't understand , it is a result of numerous bodies, decaying every second.
If we want to get a real happiness, we have to understand about changing.
Another misunderstand having in human mind is that they tend to think one object has not built up with number of parts. As an example let us take a bus. Why it called as " Bus" ,when we are small , our parent or our teachers told us , such a shape of objects is a bus.Bus , Time, Place and so on are nominated factors by society, but don't really exist. Moreover a bus has built up collecting of tiers, iron and plates.
If we put this parts in differ order, we would call it as a bus? No we don't call it as a bus any more. Even though as a society we nominate some object, absolutely there is nothing.
The most beautiful phenomena in nature is that every object-living or not or feeling is having it opposite nature can be found mostly in mind, energy and smallest partials-electrons, protons.
Every object has tendency to become its opposite nature and every feeling has tendency to become its' opposite nature.
The major reason to exist like this in nature, every object likes to be in quite nature relatively and every feeling likes to be in compromise stage. The major reason to be existed is that , the energy is relatively minimum at that stage. But it is not happened every time.
Let's describe this incident moreover , if we describe about light, there is no two separate things like light or dark.
Light has been included its opposite nature-that is dark. While increasing light, dark which is the opposite of the light will automatically decrease and while decreasing dark, light will automatically increase.That means, we can't abstract dark from light and light from dark.
Now let us consider the word "Energy"-in Science. In brief energy will generate as a result of changing the equilibrium of object and its opposite nature of object or feelings and its opposite nature of feelings. If we consider about mind it is the energy that generates as a result of feeling and its opposite feelings.
Energy will generate as a result of changing the equilibrium of feeling or object states.
There are two most important matters that cause to create not only the most beautiful things but also the worst things. Those are instability of the mind and instability of the nature. In common words, instability of the mind is called as feelings (Ex: Love, mercy, envy, anger and so on) and instability of the nature is called as physical powers (Ex: Potential power, Momentum power, Electric power, Nuclear power and so on). Due to the unbound love of mother for her infant, her blood turns into milk. It’s a good example for increasing instability feeling of love. Due to increasing revenge, man could be a murderer. Because of the instability of the nature, we can see a waterfall falling down beautifully. Due to the instability of the nature, the heat of the Sun and its light spreads all over the universal.
Even though we are Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burger or English according to our race and are Baddish, Catholic, Muslim or Hindu according to our religion, all of us have to face the states of infantile, childhood, youth and old age. That is to say, we all have become a part of the nature despite our race or religion.
Another beautiful phenomenon in the nature is relativity. How being feels something is said to be relativity. As an example, a flower, which is beautiful for one could not be beautiful for another.
The relativity is only a nature of the mind. How one feels something is called as relativity. It is also divided into two major parts. Those are, how one observes the nature of an object and how one observes the location of an object.
The scientist, by whom the relativity concept is brought into the world, is Albert Einstein. Let’s try to understand this concept by using two examples which Albert Einstein illustrated.
One is that, while two trains are traveling at the same speed towards the same direction, the observer who is in one of these two trains can observe that one train is silent. He feels that two trains are not traveling.
The other example is that, a moment that you spent with your friend in coast. At that moment, you don’t feel, the time (mind time) is going fast. But when you observe your watch, you can get to know that you’ve spent so many hours. Here, you are fond of association of your friend and you don’t feel, the time is going fast. Jest imagine a moment, you have been to coast with a friend but you dislike. At that moment, you feel, the time is going fast. But your watch time may be a few minutes. Since you dislike associating him, you feel, the time is going fast.
Other example for, how one observes the nature of the object is that, he may like playing with his friends & observing butterflies and birds while in his childhood. But when he is grown up, he may feel extremely in different way, how he felt it in his childhood. Sometimes, he may feel in childish manner, what he did in his childhood. But, just like associating friends and going on trips with his friends may be the most interesting things in his youthful age. But as a matter of time, when he gets old, when he recalls the incidents that he did in his youthful age, he may feel, those are very childish things. Sometimes, he feels the things, he did in his childhood, are very sweet and he may always like to memories them.
There’s no doubt, that we all have seen dreams on our sleep. When we dream, we don’t have an idea about our real world. On our sleep, we think that dream world is only our world. When we see a nightmare, we normally try to escape those bad things. When we are asleep, we don’t know about time, weather and changes of the nature, of our real world.
As man, we can have limited senses, which we gain through five organs (eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin). But some animals can have wide range of senses. Even though the rage of sound that man can hear is only 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, it is found that dog can hear even lesser than 20 Hz to grater than 20,000 Hz. Mainly, bat uses the high wave sounds, generated by using its mouth and the reflection of that high wave sound due to obstacles (obstacles may be surround or its victims) so that it may catch its victims or find its direction. We can’t see all the color in our spectrum. We can only see the colors of visible range. But, snake just like viper; it gets to know about its victim due to the heat waves, that generates its victim’s body. So it’s sensitive for the rage of the heat waves. Even though man can have vibrations a little through his skin, Elephant uses the vibrations that they generate by hitting the ground, for communication with each other. By using that vibrations, they get some idea where the nearest heard is and which direction it is. It’s been discovered that animals are more sensitive for earthquake than man is.
To put it in to nut shell, the only thing, we can get hold of is that, the life, we spent in a relative frame, having limited senses, dividing into races and religions, being a part of the nature, is only similar for a journey in darkness.
We, who are living in this relative frame, can’t say that this is the most accuracy thing. If someone tries to get hold of the nature, it’s only a great wish. If someone has an idea to get realize this nature, it’s only part of this nature but not other.
For understanding the reality of the nature, the only one method, he should get assistance, is to analyze this nature but not other method is. But, after having understood what the reality of the nature is, it needs not to be held that method, used to get realized the nature. For as an example, suppose that there’s a man in a desert and he’s heard that there is a town, which is located nearby desert but he doesn’t know how to go there. While he is going here and there suddenly, he can see a ruined car. Then, he makes that car drive and also he finds a compass as well as a map. By using these things, he goes to that town. After reaching that town, he needs not to take all stuff supported him to come to the town.
Let’s imagine that one tries to get hold of this nature. Let’s start it in normal human condition. Normal human being is not a single unit. He has made so many bonds not only living objects like he himself, parent, sisters and brothers, family, relations, neighbors, persons in working place, but also non living objects like clothes, house, vehicles, properties, job position, wages and so on.
When he is born, he hasn’t made any other bonds with things. The only one expectation, he has, is to save his life. He doesn’t know where he is born and who his parent is. Because of his willing to save his life, he is looking for some affection from anyone and automatically, his mother gives him that protection and he loves his mother. After that he tries to search surround. The surround is a mystery for him. Then, step by step he tries to solve the puzzle of surround with the support of his mother as well as others. Here, what he realizes about the surround is what mother and others have understood as surround according to their relative frame but not what he realizes by himself. Now, in addition to saving his life, his mind desires to claim other objects. After being a youth, step by step, now he has a lot of bonds explained above.
He makes bonds like that since he is weak in nature and is selfish.
Let’s consider how one can get hold of this nature step by step. Here, the major thing, he should have to understand, is that he is living in a frame as described above. The second thing is that there are two types of feeling in his mind. Some feelings, called good feelings like, love, determination, patient and so on ,helps him to get away from the frame that he is living in and some feelings, called bad feelings, like anger, foolishness, laziness and so on, always tries to keep him in his frame.
If one expects to get away from the frame, he should increase his good feelings while decreasing his bad feelings. While he is doing like this, his bad feelings arise as a good friend. It automatically happens, since human being is a part of the nature and the nature always tries to keep him in his normal human frame. On the other hand, man has both bad feelings and good feelings. If someone is trying to increase his good feelings, it’s only exceeding of his normal equilibrium of the mind. Then nature tries to get him in his previous frame. If he is a wise man, he gets to know that he is in a dream or is just only looking at a movie and he feel like getting out this frame sooner.
Here, bad feelings, pretend to saw that it’s true what is not true , try to arise his desirous of past ,present and future and those feelings and try to get him back into the normal frame which normal human being is living in or try to make him crazy(this is also another frame). The wise person, who can understand well the nature of this bad feelings and the nature, increases his good feelings in spite of addicting his bad feelings.
Here, he can get hold of the reason to be addicted in this frame, that normal human beings are living in. He realizes that the reason to be addicted is liking and hating the feelings that come in to the mind. The other thing, he realizes, is that various feelings are generated, even though the object which we observe is same.
Those are that the mind generates three feelings for same object as good, comparison and bad.
There are four reasons in order to feeling like this. Let’s consider about some object. Then, those reasons are: more common of that object, relativity of that object, lack or not having of that object and changing the concept regarding of that object. As an example, let’s take some objects (object may be picture/sound/smell/touch/taste or may be memories in our mind). If we are taking more and more feelings from same object, matter of time, we can’t have same feeling as we had before. It’s gonna be reduced. Sometimes, we may have unpleasant feeling when we see that object, which we preferred before. More over when we have an object better than we had earlier, automatically the desire of that object is gonna be reduced. And if we can have less of that object, we like that object more and more. If we can get to know more details about that object than we had known earlier, we may like it more or less because of changing our concept regarding that object.
Now he is increasing his good feelings and he is wise enough not to catch bad feelings. Now, he can see his bad feelings separately. When he is going to reduce his bad feelings, his good feelings help him more and more. At the point of getting away the frame, which normally human being is living in, the bad feelings arise hard. Here, bad feelings act as an army with all type of weapons to defeat the good feelings. Sometimes, he feels, the bad feelings arise not only in his mind but also as a person who’s living in his society.
In this moment, lonely, he is trying to defeat these bad feelings while concentrating his mind. Here, even a little bad feelings also arise in hard manner. But finally, he gets realized those things are only a dream of his mind and a miracle. In spite of fighting those bad feelings, the only thing, he does is to look at those bad feelings in a steady manner. The last trap, caring out by bad feelings is increasing his dead fear. Then he is trying to protect his life. At that moment, he is having the original feeling of the death.
Hear, he understands a deep concept. It’s that he’s living in a dreamy world that doesn’t really exist and a relative frame .He realizes that he can have an illustration world because of five types of organs like eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin. What he feels is not true. In other hand, there is no person called as “I” and he can feel there are objects and outside due to the feelings, having on five organs.
As an example, let’s take a blind person. One, being a blind person, he can have some idea about objects by touching those objects. There are no pictures in his world only a world, understood by using hardness and smoothness. All of blind men believe that there’s a world with hardness and smoothness but not pictures. They feel theirs world in the same manner. If we close one eye, we can’t catch some objects accurately. That’s why; we can only see two dimensional frame (world) by using one eye. There are only length & wide. But we can see depth in addition to length & width by using two eyes. That’s to say, two eyes make three dimensional frame (world). In other words, we’re having feeling a world that only makes with five organs like eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin but it’s not a real world.
When we are blind, we can have only a world that generates with other organs. When we take group of blind persons, they are having feelings according to theirs frame. In other words, it’s a world. They don’t have an idea about flowers, animals, trees and so on. If a blind person says that flowers are beautiful, there’s no doubt that others consider him to be going crazy.
In other words, we can have a lot of worlds by loosing one or two or some organs. The major thing, that must be got to know, is that world that one gets feelings, generates due to the feelings gained by five organs but there’s no world. If there’s no these five organs, there’s no world.
While binding a miracle world, binding with each other with feelings, people fights with regard theirs country, race religion and physical things but what is not real. People live in a dreamy world. Due to being a servant of theirs own mind, they haven’t got hold of the truth and are collecting energy for making another frame (world).
Hear, finally he understands that he is living in a miracle and he is day dreaming. Then he exceeds the dead fear and also he gets to know that there’s no frame and past or future only present.
Finally, he gets away from the frame, which he used to live in and he feels numerous happiness.
He can see, people who haven’t understood this reality, are living in a daydream and are looking after a mirage.
A most important phenomena in the nature is that every object –living or not have a short of tendency to become stability from the mode of instability. As a result of this phenomenon, it creates another instability situation. So it leads to make infinite instability circles. Water cycle, re-berthing cycle is better example for this.
As we aware, an electron in an atom, having supplied energy it goes higher orbital. Why it goes a higher orbital while being remained on the same orbital? Answer is very simple. After supplying the energy it is not the earlier electron and now it has changed. In other word, it has absorbed energy. In this stage, the orbital it was, is not suitable for this electron. So it automatically tends to go a higher orbit in same energy. Some may tend to think, all the times that electron is in that orbit unless supplying energy. But it is wrong, while it is in the orbit, it is decaying. How it happens? An electron having a dual nature, it is just like Don –Juan. Some times it acts as a particle & next time a wave. When it changes it nature from particle to wave, an electron generates two or more waves-major one having a highest frequency and others are smaller. Next time it generates a partial-Electron it normally uses higher frequency wave. As a result new electron built up by higher frequency wave is almost all different the earlier and weight is less than previous one. Let see what happens other smaller frequency waves. The energy of those small waves are absorbed by the atom-its’ partials. Same thing is happening in the atomic particles. When atomic partials become waves they generate higher and smaller frequency waves and those smaller waves’ frequency energy are absorbed by electrons and they goes higher orbit.
Same manner all the beings are living in different frame having different times & having become a trap of this uncertainty. In other word, uncertainty can be defined as changing. Changing puts something into uncertainty. Every Objects-living or not are situated in an uncertainty frame. That means, beings or the environment being living on is changing on an uncertainty frame. As an example, Earth, man living, is changing according to some short of cycle & it moves through infinite air. So as the object- living or not is changing according to the cycle. It is just like a rod flow on waterfall (here flow means changing).
Changing is the origin of all energies. The reason to generate all the energy just like heat, light, electrical, so that is the “Changing-Matter”. Due to the changing of mind feeling it leads to create an energy called “Tracking Mind Energy”. In a Compromise mind this Energy is zero. In order to illustrate this energy, Gramophone disc is one of better example. This Gramophone disk is prepared by using wax & that disk has been tracked according to the song. If we want to here the song, we put that disk to play. Then the needle of the Gramophone runs through the track of the dick and it generates a sound.
The same thing happens in our mind, when the mind is in compromise stage there is no energy, but if having got bad feeling likes-hate, anger, hypocrites and so on or good feeling likes-generous, kind, humble so on, it leads to make tracking mind energy.
We have to face the effect of this tracking mind energy in our day to day life. This mind tracking energy is having high peak energy band and lowest. But when we die, the height peak of the wave comes into being and according to that our next birth is to be happened.
This Tracking Mind Energy is Energy flow connected our past, present, future.
As a house built up on a foundation, foundation of all worlds-Ghost, God, Brahma, Hell is changing. There is no world without changing. As we aware every object has built up particles and every particle are having no of atoms and every atom is having no of electrons. Every electron in an atom is having a movement. So everything is changing every time.
For example, we may see an A4 paper on our table. But every electron in atoms of A4 paper is changing and also atoms particles are changing. So every time A4 paper is changing. It is not the A4 paper we so just a second ago.
To put it into a nut shell, A4 paper is changing and forming another A4 paper and then changing and building another A4 paper. But seeing a narrowed mind, we always say it is A4 paper, it is not changing.
Due to the changing, energy of every object- living or not is transferring one into another as all the energy is constant.
Let us see how this changing supports human body. Due to the changing, blood goes through all over the body and breath takes place and every thing needed to sustain the life is happening. If there is no changing there is no world.
As long as living being is having a desire himself or other object, he generates “Tracking Mind Energy”. This Tracking Mind Energy is can’t be observed by our five sense-Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Body. This Tracking Mind Energy leads to make changing worlds-Pretha, God, Brahma, Hell and Human.
The common factor of every world is changing. Wherever we focus our eye, we can see nominated factors, changing. This time Earth is changing, this is not the earth previously we had. This time sky is changing; this is not the sky previously we had. Every water stream is changing; those are not previously we had. Every tree is changing; those are not previously we had. This time vehicles, houses are changing. They are not previously we had. This time body of every being is changing; those are not previously we had. Mind is
changing, it is not previously we had. So everything is changing every time. Every time we are having a new world.
Being, who don’t understand this smooth changing, they tend to believe, there is a person called “I” and that “I” is not changing & it is considered to be a constant. But when they become older, they feel, something has happened for this constant “I”.
Every thing is a trap of a changing cycle. It is worthless thinking a stable cycle. We all have become a trap of infinite cycles. So we can not have constant happiness with the support of those changing cycles.
In order to understand how past this changing occurs, let us take an example:Let us assume that there is a house in front of us, further more assume that there is a highly skilled mason be with us. How cleaver this mason is, he only takes a little time to re-built this house as previously. But we don't know about it. When we are with him in front of this house , let us assume that we close our eyes a second & when we open our eyes, we can see that house as previously.But while closing our eyes, that house has been broken and that house has been re-built by that cleaver mason as previously before we open eyes.But now we don't see the previous house. Since we don't know that clever mason has re-built that house, we tend to think that is previous house.
As above example , while opening our eyes,"changing the cleverest mason is distracting and re-building every object living or not where those origin. How fast this phenomena occurs, every being tends to believe there is a unchanging sole- "I".
The main energy causes to change the shape of physical object is heat. Heat is a major reason for originating, building, decaying and losing of objects-living or not.
We all have seen ground mothers and grand-fathers who is having born back bone, shrinking skin and gray haired and decayed tooth., illness. The we have got feeling , when we get old, we will become that situation. But we don't understand , it is a result of numerous bodies, decaying every second.
If we want to get a real happiness, we have to understand about changing.
Another misunderstand having in human mind is that they tend to think one object has not built up with number of parts. As an example let us take a bus. Why it called as " Bus" ,when we are small , our parent or our teachers told us , such a shape of objects is a bus.Bus , Time, Place and so on are nominated factors by society, but don't really exist. Moreover a bus has built up collecting of tiers, iron and plates.
If we put this parts in differ order, we would call it as a bus? No we don't call it as a bus any more. Even though as a society we nominate some object, absolutely there is nothing.
The most beautiful phenomena in nature is that every object-living or not or feeling is having it opposite nature can be found mostly in mind, energy and smallest partials-electrons, protons.
Every object has tendency to become its opposite nature and every feeling has tendency to become its' opposite nature.
The major reason to exist like this in nature, every object likes to be in quite nature relatively and every feeling likes to be in compromise stage. The major reason to be existed is that , the energy is relatively minimum at that stage. But it is not happened every time.
Let's describe this incident moreover , if we describe about light, there is no two separate things like light or dark.
Light has been included its opposite nature-that is dark. While increasing light, dark which is the opposite of the light will automatically decrease and while decreasing dark, light will automatically increase.That means, we can't abstract dark from light and light from dark.
Now let us consider the word "Energy"-in Science. In brief energy will generate as a result of changing the equilibrium of object and its opposite nature of object or feelings and its opposite nature of feelings. If we consider about mind it is the energy that generates as a result of feeling and its opposite feelings.
Energy will generate as a result of changing the equilibrium of feeling or object states.
Changing the equilibrium of object is cased to generate energy and it is known as potential energy power or momentum power.
In the same manner , changing the equilibrium of feeling will generate energy and it is know to be " Mind Tracking Energy"
Wonderful nature of energy is that it can convert into another energy .
Electric energy can be changed into heat then light. In the same manner, Mind Tracking Energy can turn into re-berthing power.
As told earlier, energy has also its opposite nature. Naturally, energy also likes to become zero state in energy. If some energy which has generate as a result of changing the equilibrium, will maturely try to become zero level in energy . But as it is ,energy turns into another energy in that cause.
As an example , potential energy will convert into momentum energy by reducing its energy to zero then potential energy will convert into electric energy by reducing its energy into zero, but energy flow will continuous.
Energy which will generate due to anger, foolishness and desire will case to generate "Mind Tracking Energy" and this energy has got a power of infinite re-berthing cycles.
If some one can understand this phenomena properly-these anger, foolishness and desire which will loose the equilibrium of mind cause to generate "Mind Tracking Energy" and that energy will cause to have non stop re-berthing cycles, then he will destroy the root of every bad feelings-desire, foolishness and anger.
In the same manner , changing the equilibrium of feeling will generate energy and it is know to be " Mind Tracking Energy"
Wonderful nature of energy is that it can convert into another energy .
Electric energy can be changed into heat then light. In the same manner, Mind Tracking Energy can turn into re-berthing power.
As told earlier, energy has also its opposite nature. Naturally, energy also likes to become zero state in energy. If some energy which has generate as a result of changing the equilibrium, will maturely try to become zero level in energy . But as it is ,energy turns into another energy in that cause.
As an example , potential energy will convert into momentum energy by reducing its energy to zero then potential energy will convert into electric energy by reducing its energy into zero, but energy flow will continuous.
Energy which will generate due to anger, foolishness and desire will case to generate "Mind Tracking Energy" and this energy has got a power of infinite re-berthing cycles.
If some one can understand this phenomena properly-these anger, foolishness and desire which will loose the equilibrium of mind cause to generate "Mind Tracking Energy" and that energy will cause to have non stop re-berthing cycles, then he will destroy the root of every bad feelings-desire, foolishness and anger.
Now let us consider how this nature causes to the feelings. Naturally mind likes to be zero stage in energy. That is why, then energy of mind is null value.
For an example let us consider a moment which we are angry with someone. Here generous is in low level. That means , mind has changed it natural stage . That is say, anger is in top level and generous is in low level. As a result of this two cause , it will cause to generate energy and is called as "Mind Tracking Energy".
Now let us consider what is called as "sadness" sadness will also contain its opposite nature , that is happiness. Sadness will naturally like to come into its compromise stage by adding with happiness. Sadness can not be separate from happiness. Everything contains both sadness and happiness.
If some foolish man likes to something or some one due to not having wisdom ; here he does not understand see the sadness which is hidden with happiness.
For an example let us take an occasion; we are traveling in a bus. Here let us consider about a passenger. His willing is to sit on a seat instead of standing on the bus.
that means, he will get comfortable feeling by sitting on a seat. This occasion happiness is in top level. But when time passes , he will have got pain by sitting on a seat. That means, sadness is in top level and happiness is in low level. Now he considers standing on the bus is to be happiness.
To put it into a nutshell , that means , we don't have feelings like sadness or happiness. But all the time we have to have relative feelings.
The most important thing in nature is that various type of beings are living in various frame, having various feelings and times.
These type of frame that is being are living can be mainly divided into four frames. Those are human, god , Brahman and hell. Some may tend to think these type of frames are having in human frame or many tend to think those frame are differences of human feelings.
But reality is that being are actually living in various frame above expressed.
Those frames have created as a result of the energy-Mind Tracking Energy-that is generated as a result of changing of feeling in mind. But those frames have not created by a hidden god or a hidden Brahma.
All beings are living in separate frames.
If one is practincing good feelings in his life, then he can go to the upper frames like god , Brahman or one is practicing bad feelings in his life, the he can go to the lower frame like hell.
If some one is practicing only good feeling in his life by cutting down bad feelings then some stage in his life being a human, he can have a supreme power to go to the various frames from his human mind body.
"Every being is having a smooth mind body except his physical body.Normally this mind body and physical body is in same phase. If one is practicing his mind he can get out of this smooth body from his physical body."
Mind causes fro everything. In this stage all the states of various frames could be visualize in the human mind.
But various type of frames have been built up by Mind Tracking Energy according to the nature of mind and they are having various type of bodies.
For example let us consider that a being is born as a human and he is doing good things. Then according to the Mind Tracking Energy-he is generating good energy. So next berth he will born in better frame like god or Brahman than human. Then in that frame, he can have comfortable feeling , smooth body and long time life cycle.
some one does bad things, next berth he will born in hell and he is having a rough body, uncomfortable feelings and longtime.
Let us consider why these type of frames build up?
Answer is simple. According to bad or good feelings, Mind Tracking Energy generates. If he does good things, he will generate good Mind Tracking Energy and if he does bad things, he will generate bad Mind Tracking Energy.
Whether it is good mind tracking energy or bad mind tracking energy, energy normally likes to be zero its energy. Then this mind tracking energy likes to build up frames.
If one goes to heaven, then he will have comfortable feelings. So it causes to reduce its energy.
In other word, god or Brahman- frames are places which is reducing good Mind Tracking Energy and hell is the frame where reduces band Mind Tracking Energy.
"Our everlasting aim is not to create any frame."
Let consider about arms-giving . It is giving some thing for some one for his needs. But everlasting aim of giving is that giving some thing for some one for ever. Then he will get high peak of God Mind Tracking Energy.
Now let us see how one does some miracle things by using mind power.When we see some object by using eyes, he will not take that object into mind 100% present . When we build up our mind by concentrating our mind by focusing trough one natural phenomena like breath-taking or some concept, we will have got a power to see some object 100% present as taking that object by our hand. Then we can create that object in our mind in outer.
When we concentrate our mind it will reduce the frequency of generating power of feelings.Then one can extract from the time frame and position frame whether he is living in this human world. he doesn't have a zero feeling about time and the place. Then he will not belong to one position or time. That means he belong to infinite air.He will have got a paranormal power to go any place at anytime.
The foundation of doing miracle things by using mind is that he will understand that there is no time frame or position frame and everything has been generated by four main energy products-thickness which has an attraction power of object in one location,liquidizes which has a power to keep loose object each other, air which has a power to scatter objects each other and finally heat which has a power to worm up objects.
But ultimately we have to understand why we try to concentrate our mind.Our ultimate goal is to understand the reality of this world without belonging to any other frame without dirty feelings. while having a highly concentrated mind, we can understand that everything is changing and nothing belongs to us and lust is the main thing for generating everything.
How we explain the incident of concentrating mind? let us take an example. one has a valuable book but can't read the letters of that book with his naked eye.Then he has to use a enlarging glass. But he doesn't have such a type of glass.In order to buy such a type of glass, he will have to go to the market. But he will have to go to the market through a road which falls across a beautiful forest which is decorated with beautiful power and sweet fruits. Now he goes his journey.He can see trees with sweet fruits and can hear beautiful songs of birds. Now he may forget the reason why he lefts the journey.Sometimes he may stop in this forest. In the same manner, when one practices his mind by concentrating, as a result of being a concentrated mind, he can do numerous miracles things by using concentrated mind. But wisdom man will never lost his time with useless things and will find the enlarging glass that is the stage of having a free mind with zero lust.
The nature is teaching us the lesson of changing in this moment in silent mood. When we go to a forest, we can see thousand of died leaves are falling down to the ground and beautiful flower which blossom in tree will kiss the ground at afternoon.
We can see old person, ill person and dead body.
But still remain a problem, when we will learn the lesson hidden in nature-That is everything is changing every time.
We will come across gods sometimes. But we don't recon them. First are-older persons (who can control even theirs bodies as they think-Grand mothers and Grand fathers),Second is that ill persons. Third is that infants who born with sought-ed mouth with pain, fourth is that dead bodies.
Those gods say us in silent the lesson of changing,but being who sink in foolishness will never understand this reality.
There is a reason not to understanding like this. That is our lust, opposite feeling of someone not occur something as he thinks,foolishness-not understating the reality of the world and not having a full concentration.As a result of above three things, we tend to think, objects which built up numerous thing as a one object and we don't think every thing is dying which it generates and building up new thing next second. We don't understand that being is a collection of mind and body which is changing in the rhyme of nature which does not belong to that being itself.
But we don't understand that mind and body has sticked by the gum of lust.
Spider strings a web with its sputum , it thinks its its world ,and it will have creatures which catches to the web as its meal.Like spider, All the being living in various world(frames)-God, Brahman, Hell ,human has stringed webs-infinite berthing cycles with theirs sputum-lust, they are having a infinite berthing cycles as if all the feelings having in five organs are them self.
Since the day we born, we all are holding a high volume and high weight. But we don't have a feeling about it. When that weight is removed, we will feel some relax. As that it may, We all having a high weight of feelings weight. When we release that weight we feel numerous happiness!!!
All beings are in water fall called "infinite re-berthing cycles.But unfortunately they don't know that water fall is to fall down since theirs minds are covered by mist. They do not have a understand to realize what they will happen. They are having so many bonds with each other as well as outer objects.
If one can sustain without having a bond with any other picture with his eyes, without having a bond any other sound with his ears, without having a bond any other taste with his tongue, and without having a bond with any other touch and having a compromise mind and also does not have a feelings about object-live or not like length, height, breath, fat, white, woman, man so on and without having a none stop thinking mind about those object getting from five organs and if he can think that body is changing every second in high speed and everything is control according to the melody of nature and there is no person to call as "I" whether we call like that by each other. By understanding this reality one can have a numerous happiness in his life that is not changed any time.
There is no valuable thing one can have in his life time , it is called as "Nirvana"-this is a stage of a mind everybody mind is having, but this stage will not change once having in his life time.
There are two things that have been generated without reason. First one is empty sky (Physical y)and the second thing is "Nirvana"(Mentally). Whether there are objects or not , the empty sky sustains . Like wise "Nirvana"-A state of mind sustains whether there are thoughts or not. If one realize this "Nirvana" , he will have numerous happiness. That is why, at that stage there are no object to loose or to obtain. There are no struggles with memories of past, present and future.
It is my pleasure that everybody will realize this ultimate happiness!!!
Way to Nibbana
Milky Way
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For an example let us consider a moment which we are angry with someone. Here generous is in low level. That means , mind has changed it natural stage . That is say, anger is in top level and generous is in low level. As a result of this two cause , it will cause to generate energy and is called as "Mind Tracking Energy".
Now let us consider what is called as "sadness" sadness will also contain its opposite nature , that is happiness. Sadness will naturally like to come into its compromise stage by adding with happiness. Sadness can not be separate from happiness. Everything contains both sadness and happiness.
If some foolish man likes to something or some one due to not having wisdom ; here he does not understand see the sadness which is hidden with happiness.
For an example let us take an occasion; we are traveling in a bus. Here let us consider about a passenger. His willing is to sit on a seat instead of standing on the bus.
that means, he will get comfortable feeling by sitting on a seat. This occasion happiness is in top level. But when time passes , he will have got pain by sitting on a seat. That means, sadness is in top level and happiness is in low level. Now he considers standing on the bus is to be happiness.
To put it into a nutshell , that means , we don't have feelings like sadness or happiness. But all the time we have to have relative feelings.
The most important thing in nature is that various type of beings are living in various frame, having various feelings and times.
These type of frame that is being are living can be mainly divided into four frames. Those are human, god , Brahman and hell. Some may tend to think these type of frames are having in human frame or many tend to think those frame are differences of human feelings.
But reality is that being are actually living in various frame above expressed.
Those frames have created as a result of the energy-Mind Tracking Energy-that is generated as a result of changing of feeling in mind. But those frames have not created by a hidden god or a hidden Brahma.
All beings are living in separate frames.
If one is practincing good feelings in his life, then he can go to the upper frames like god , Brahman or one is practicing bad feelings in his life, the he can go to the lower frame like hell.
If some one is practicing only good feeling in his life by cutting down bad feelings then some stage in his life being a human, he can have a supreme power to go to the various frames from his human mind body.
"Every being is having a smooth mind body except his physical body.Normally this mind body and physical body is in same phase. If one is practicing his mind he can get out of this smooth body from his physical body."
Mind causes fro everything. In this stage all the states of various frames could be visualize in the human mind.
But various type of frames have been built up by Mind Tracking Energy according to the nature of mind and they are having various type of bodies.
For example let us consider that a being is born as a human and he is doing good things. Then according to the Mind Tracking Energy-he is generating good energy. So next berth he will born in better frame like god or Brahman than human. Then in that frame, he can have comfortable feeling , smooth body and long time life cycle.
some one does bad things, next berth he will born in hell and he is having a rough body, uncomfortable feelings and longtime.
Let us consider why these type of frames build up?
Answer is simple. According to bad or good feelings, Mind Tracking Energy generates. If he does good things, he will generate good Mind Tracking Energy and if he does bad things, he will generate bad Mind Tracking Energy.
Whether it is good mind tracking energy or bad mind tracking energy, energy normally likes to be zero its energy. Then this mind tracking energy likes to build up frames.
If one goes to heaven, then he will have comfortable feelings. So it causes to reduce its energy.
In other word, god or Brahman- frames are places which is reducing good Mind Tracking Energy and hell is the frame where reduces band Mind Tracking Energy.
"Our everlasting aim is not to create any frame."
Let consider about arms-giving . It is giving some thing for some one for his needs. But everlasting aim of giving is that giving some thing for some one for ever. Then he will get high peak of God Mind Tracking Energy.
Now let us see how one does some miracle things by using mind power.When we see some object by using eyes, he will not take that object into mind 100% present . When we build up our mind by concentrating our mind by focusing trough one natural phenomena like breath-taking or some concept, we will have got a power to see some object 100% present as taking that object by our hand. Then we can create that object in our mind in outer.
When we concentrate our mind it will reduce the frequency of generating power of feelings.Then one can extract from the time frame and position frame whether he is living in this human world. he doesn't have a zero feeling about time and the place. Then he will not belong to one position or time. That means he belong to infinite air.He will have got a paranormal power to go any place at anytime.
The foundation of doing miracle things by using mind is that he will understand that there is no time frame or position frame and everything has been generated by four main energy products-thickness which has an attraction power of object in one location,liquidizes which has a power to keep loose object each other, air which has a power to scatter objects each other and finally heat which has a power to worm up objects.
But ultimately we have to understand why we try to concentrate our mind.Our ultimate goal is to understand the reality of this world without belonging to any other frame without dirty feelings. while having a highly concentrated mind, we can understand that everything is changing and nothing belongs to us and lust is the main thing for generating everything.
How we explain the incident of concentrating mind? let us take an example. one has a valuable book but can't read the letters of that book with his naked eye.Then he has to use a enlarging glass. But he doesn't have such a type of glass.In order to buy such a type of glass, he will have to go to the market. But he will have to go to the market through a road which falls across a beautiful forest which is decorated with beautiful power and sweet fruits. Now he goes his journey.He can see trees with sweet fruits and can hear beautiful songs of birds. Now he may forget the reason why he lefts the journey.Sometimes he may stop in this forest. In the same manner, when one practices his mind by concentrating, as a result of being a concentrated mind, he can do numerous miracles things by using concentrated mind. But wisdom man will never lost his time with useless things and will find the enlarging glass that is the stage of having a free mind with zero lust.
The nature is teaching us the lesson of changing in this moment in silent mood. When we go to a forest, we can see thousand of died leaves are falling down to the ground and beautiful flower which blossom in tree will kiss the ground at afternoon.
We can see old person, ill person and dead body.
But still remain a problem, when we will learn the lesson hidden in nature-That is everything is changing every time.
We will come across gods sometimes. But we don't recon them. First are-older persons (who can control even theirs bodies as they think-Grand mothers and Grand fathers),Second is that ill persons. Third is that infants who born with sought-ed mouth with pain, fourth is that dead bodies.
Those gods say us in silent the lesson of changing,but being who sink in foolishness will never understand this reality.
There is a reason not to understanding like this. That is our lust, opposite feeling of someone not occur something as he thinks,foolishness-not understating the reality of the world and not having a full concentration.As a result of above three things, we tend to think, objects which built up numerous thing as a one object and we don't think every thing is dying which it generates and building up new thing next second. We don't understand that being is a collection of mind and body which is changing in the rhyme of nature which does not belong to that being itself.
But we don't understand that mind and body has sticked by the gum of lust.
Spider strings a web with its sputum , it thinks its its world ,and it will have creatures which catches to the web as its meal.Like spider, All the being living in various world(frames)-God, Brahman, Hell ,human has stringed webs-infinite berthing cycles with theirs sputum-lust, they are having a infinite berthing cycles as if all the feelings having in five organs are them self.
Since the day we born, we all are holding a high volume and high weight. But we don't have a feeling about it. When that weight is removed, we will feel some relax. As that it may, We all having a high weight of feelings weight. When we release that weight we feel numerous happiness!!!
All beings are in water fall called "infinite re-berthing cycles.But unfortunately they don't know that water fall is to fall down since theirs minds are covered by mist. They do not have a understand to realize what they will happen. They are having so many bonds with each other as well as outer objects.
If one can sustain without having a bond with any other picture with his eyes, without having a bond any other sound with his ears, without having a bond any other taste with his tongue, and without having a bond with any other touch and having a compromise mind and also does not have a feelings about object-live or not like length, height, breath, fat, white, woman, man so on and without having a none stop thinking mind about those object getting from five organs and if he can think that body is changing every second in high speed and everything is control according to the melody of nature and there is no person to call as "I" whether we call like that by each other. By understanding this reality one can have a numerous happiness in his life that is not changed any time.
There is no valuable thing one can have in his life time , it is called as "Nirvana"-this is a stage of a mind everybody mind is having, but this stage will not change once having in his life time.
There are two things that have been generated without reason. First one is empty sky (Physical y)and the second thing is "Nirvana"(Mentally). Whether there are objects or not , the empty sky sustains . Like wise "Nirvana"-A state of mind sustains whether there are thoughts or not. If one realize this "Nirvana" , he will have numerous happiness. That is why, at that stage there are no object to loose or to obtain. There are no struggles with memories of past, present and future.
It is my pleasure that everybody will realize this ultimate happiness!!!
Way to Nibbana
Milky Way
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It is so interesting!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful, i was surprised after reading it. Actually, i believe these are the ideas of a person who is reaching to enlightenment.If somebody can understand this reality of the world he is doing meditation automatically. He doesn't need a special place or a specially allocated time to meditate. In this context i suppose this comment will be helpful to many who are fumbling in darkness. I recommend everybody who needs to disengage from worldly bonds and to keep punctuation mark to all the sufferings of theirs please read this and comprehend it best as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteUpul Rohan Abeythungha
Ceylon Shipping corporation